At Momentum Innovation Group (MIG), we operate as your external innovation team - Focused, Expeditious, Affordable.
Photo:Jeff Bullas
Staying focused on a key initiative is difficult. Typical working environments keep you sidetracked with multiple responsibilities, endless meetings, and tedious paperwork...we have none of those distractions.
Painter: Edvard Munch
By staying focused and side-stepping typical office distractions, we operate at five times the productivity of typical employees. Add to this our natural curiosity and penchant for results, we can boil oceans and find needles in haystacks.
Photo: Jake Givens
Variable capacity
Why buy when you can rent? Sometimes you just need to borrow an expert. Whether you need someone with a focused skill or another set of qualified hands for a special project, we can help without committing to the long-term cost of dedicated internal innovation resources which can run north of $300,000 per year.